The Renaissance was a very important period of European culture, artistic, political, an economic rebirth.
It was significant in the development of Western Europe and the impact it had was immense. The Renaissance not only influenced the worlds of art, music, and literature, but also the worlds of politics, religion, and society.
I believe it was the kennedy-nixon debates
The eruption of the Indonesian super-volcano Toba, had global climatic effects that lasted for few years. Because the volcano was massive, and it released huge amounts of pyroclastic material, ash, and gasses into the atmosphere, the Earth experienced an immediate mini Ice Age. The eruption was devastating for the creatures living in the surrounding regions. The Homo spaiens was not an exception, and the sudden change in climate almost managed to wipe it out from the face of the Earth. Some genetic examinations suggest that only around 120 individuals of the species managed to survive.