In most stories, the theme is not stated directly, it is revealed through the character's experiences. It is a generalization about life or human nature. Certain types of experiences are common to all people
everywhere.Universal themes come up again and again in literature that can help guide us through our lives deal with basic human concerns-good and evil, life and death, love and loss.
Theme is not a subject it is expressed in a sentence. Sometimes the title gives clues. It applies to the entire work of the story.
Chapter 2 summary:
After coming back from Connecticut, Mitty had tons of homework, not to mention, ten pages of notes. At school the next day, his friend Derek, goes on and on about the anthrax murders. After school, Mitty starts on his notes, but decides to skip to his rough draft instead. Mitty continued to read about smallpox, everything happening to the people he is reading about could be happening to him too
It is an exclamatory sentence it should end in (!)
Even though life is not easy we usually have problems with others or something happens but you learn your lesson that what happening in your life.♀️
In general life meant to be memorable and positive or happiness ☀️