Under the treaty of the Guadalupe - Hidalgo , the Mexican American War ended in favor of the United States , this also relinquished the United States with 525,000 square miles of land from the Southern Border
They can be harmful because these communications can be between large money donors and the candidates, which can lead to a conflict of interest and affect the candidates message.
By The Italian peninsula was inhabited principally by several native tribes before the Greeks settled there and the Etruscans rose to prominence sometime after 800 B.C.E. The Greeks founded several city-states in the south of the peninsula and in Sicily, and the Etruscans rose to power on the western coast where they brought their culture to the Latin peoples settled in small villages along the Tiber River. Here, three centuries later, a prosperous urban center called Rome would emerge. Rome flourished under the Etruscans but the Latin population resented sovereign Etruscan rule and joined with other indigenous tribes in a rebellion.
It was "The Great Compromise" that the Framers made at the beginning of the Philadelphia convention, which established two houses in the legislature: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
it was established by barack obama