According to Bede, Ireland does not "have any snakes", since it was believed that although snakes are often taken on board ships from England, once they are exposed to the air near Ireland, they die.
Delian League or the Athenian Maritime Alliance was an alliance created between Ionian cities that were located in Asia Minor and the islands in the Aegean Sea. Athens was a leading force in the alliance, and even used the financial advantages of the league to support its own economic needs, especially during the period of Pericles.
Alliance was created to strengthen the role of the Greek city-states that were closely attached to Athens. This alliance participated in a war against Persia. The city-states from this alliance, around 300 of powers relied on maritime trade and were highly developed. Still, most of that money went in the hands of Athens that totally dominated in it. All great projects in Athens were financed from the money that was obtained through the existence of this alliance.
Sense of Congress on sustaining national space commitments. (3) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2005 of the ISS impact the ability to conduct future deep space exploration activities