hj em dia tds esses são métodos de comunicação ou seja todos eles estão corretos até msm por gestos é usado o meio de comunicação. espero ter ajudado
Assuming this is the paragraph:
"<span>Dogs and cats are both fantastic pets. Dogs are loving and playful. Cats are clean and self-sufficient. Dogs </span>are sometimes hyper. ___ <span> Both are effective communicators in their own right. Either one would </span><span>make any lucky owner happy,"
the correct answer is Cats are clean and self-sufficient.
In the paragraph, you are supposed to show why both dogs and cats are good pets. First you talked about dogs, which means you should mention something about cats too. This is why that is the correct answer.
In prima zi de scoala, un baiat pe nume Andrei care era cam somnoros. La ora 7:00 ma i-a spus baiatului :
-Andrei, scoala-te ! Astazi este prima ta zi de scoala !
Andrei raspunse balbait :
-Imi... este somn...
In cele din urma, Andrei s-a trezit si s-a dus la scoala.