I'm thinking B because my implies that the person possesses that thing. My bicycle. He is in possession of the bike
Whats the question?Is it a correction
This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of The Way of Kings. ... anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book. ... 6.1 Interlude I-4: Rysn; 6.2 Interlude I-5: Axies the Collector ... to tell Gavilar's brother Dalinar that he must "find the most important ... And he heard a child crying.
The figure of speech, if I am not mistaken is personification. JFK is stating that the country can do something(implying human characteristics), but the country CAN'T literally do something for you in the way that is implied.
Text features include all the components of a story or article that are not the main body of text. These include the table of contents, index, glossary, headings, bold words, sidebars, pictures and captions, and labeled diagrams.