I think there is a shift at “...assured him”. From reading the beginning, you would think the person is under arrest, “stay where you are”. But, the sentence goes on to say that the police officer ‘assured’ him that. He could’ve been in danger, so the officer was telling him that help was on the way, just stay put.
Gregor can't handle the furniture moving. He crawls out from behind the couch and globs onto the first thing he sees. It is a picture on the wall of a woman in furs. I think Gregor doesn't want to lose the possibility that he might become human again. The furniture reminds him of this.
family, love and relationships will change drastically in the future.
In 90 years, technology will have changed our lives so much that social constructions will be different.
Families will become androgynous
Household tasks will no longer be one person’s job solely based on gender.
Only very poor and very rich people will have more than two children.
Is this what you are asking for if not tell me