new kinda of food and clothing became possible.
Answer: driving on the highway
It is the practice of driving in the highway that can be considered as an indicator of finally accepting social contract. Social contract refers to the agreement wherein individuals in all parties agreed to have a natural transfer of right.
The Progressive era was an Era that lasted from 1820 to 1920, it was a collection of ideas and activities about how to fix many problems in American society.
They aimed to stop Senate corruption because, at that time, political machines often influenced the election of senators in exchange for federal contracts and jobs. So the progressists proposed the direct election of senator by all states voters. This was passed by the 7th Amendment.
The US respond to Villa's actions by The Pershing expedition
Since 1910 the Mexican revolution was causing utter destruction. In 1916, a leader named “Pancho” Villa crossed the Mexico border entered U.S and burnt down the Columbus town. It was actually an act of revenge that he wanted to take as Venustiano Carranza was declared as President of Mexico surpassing him.
Villa raided and took materials of war as he was desperate to take over the ammunition's and create a stir among the American government. This raid of Columbus definitely drew the attraction of the U.S. to wage a war against Mexico. The U.S responded by sending troops led by General Pershing in search of Villa which was unsuccessful.