A verse without rhyme especially that which uses iambiac pentameter
His blood is no longer "true" because it has been contaminated by a grave sin-he slept with his own kin! Thus, his name could also mean he speaks the truth. Ellison might be using the name as a technique (besides empathy) to give Trueblood's story credence.
The <u>beautiful</u> girl walked to a park where there were three <u>birds</u> and one brown <u>dog</u> behind the<u> bushes</u>.
Dog: is a f<u>ree morpheme</u> because it can stand on itself, the morpheme coincides with the notion of the word.
Beautiful: is a bound morpheme made up of a free morpheme (beauty), which is the root, and an affix (-ful). When we add the suffix we are changing the category of the word, beuty is a noun while beautiful is an adjective, so we have a <u>derivational bound morpheme.</u>
Birds: is an<u> inflectional bound morpheme</u> because it is made up of two morphemes, a free morpheme (bird) and a bound morpheme (-s) that is modifying the number of the noun bird.
Bushes: is an <u>allomorph</u> because the pronunciation changes due to the addition of (-es), if we compare this word with the word birds, we can see that they are both plurals but the suffix and the pronunciation of the two differs, while the meaning is still the same more than one, plural.
A thesis statement focuses your ideas into one or two sentences. It should present the topic of your paper and also make a comment about your position in relation to the topic. Your thesis statement should tell your reader what the paper is about and also help guide your writing and keep your argument focused.