The answer is D because <span>Restriction enzyme.</span><span> Restriction </span>enzymes<span> are used to cut </span>DNA<span> for later use in </span>biotechnology<span>.</span>
c. The founder of the modern environmental movement and author of Silent Spring is Rachel Carson
d. Deciduous trees such as most pines do not lose their leaves/foliage in winter.
Yes, Rachel Carson is the founder of the modern environmental movement as well as author of Silent Spring. She was an American marine biologist, author, and conservationist which started the modern environmental movement in order to save the environment form pollution. Yes, the Deciduous trees such as most pines do not lose their leaves/foliage in winter, they only lose those leaves that are too old. They are considered as evergreen plants.
Propagation is a form of asexual reproduction
The correct answer is option A, that is, a landfill in the region of nonporous bedrock.
A permanent waste disposal facility where the wastes are put into the ground and covered with a layer of plastic, soil, or both is known a landfill. A secure chemical landfill refers to a landfill developed in the region of nonporous bedrock.
A secure chemical landfill is a prudently engineered depression in the ground or constructed on the top of the ground, signifying a football stadium into which wastes are dumped. The objective is to inhibit any water-related or hydraulic association between the surrounding environment and the wastes, mainly groundwater.
El cuadro no está presente pero las diferencias principales entre células eucariotas y procariotas son:
Tienen núcleo
Tienen organelas
Tienen Vacuolas
Tienen Citoesqueleto
Tienen Cloroplastos
El ADN está asociado a proteínas
El ADN es lineal
Presentan mitocondrias
Presentan un sistema de endomembranas
No tienen núcleo
No tienen vacuolas
No tienen cloroplastos
No tienen organelas
El ADN no está asociado a proteínas
El ADN es circular
Presenta mesosomas
Las células procariotas son más primitivas que las eucariotas, por ende, sus estructuras son más simples. Las células procariotas están en organismos unicelulares tales como las bacterias, mientras que las células eucariotas están en organismos unicelulares y pluricelulares como en plantas, animales, u hongos. La diferencia más notoria entre ambos tipos de células es la ausencia de núcleo en las procariotas haciendo que el ADN está disperso en el citoplasma mientras que en las células eucariotas, el ADN está dentro del núcleo celular.