After Britain captured Canada from the French in 1763, there was a large number of population in Canada who had French ancestry. The Britishers had to resolve this identity problem in order to bring Canada under its authority.
The French Canadians practiced the Roman Catholicism and this became a point of conflict among the different groups of community in Canada. There were also numerous conflicts among groups of Irish and Scottish ancestry.
As a result, The Quebec Act of 1774 was signed to established the right to practice Roman Catholicism for the French Canadians .It aimed to bring peace among Canadians of different religion and ancestry.
The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta, or "Great Charter," affirmed that everyone is subject to the law -- even the king. It was an agreement between King John and the nobility in 1215, but its listing of rights provided instrumental founding principles for the wider establishment of rights for all citizens in the centuries following -- including the rights guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States.
Humanism helped Europeans believe in their own potential.