Three of the factors in Russia which fostered the revolution of 1917 were the impoverishment of the peasants who struggled to survive on their small plots of land and to pay the debts they owed to buy their land after the serf system was changed; many peasants who couldn't make a go of it fled to the cities and took part in the local industrial revolution but were oppressed by inadequate wages and poor working conditions and lastly WWI resulted in the poor masses in Russia being used as canon fodder in an unjust imperialist war to divide up the world differently unlike WWII which was to end the Nazi tyrrany.
1. Amal sprinted after her.
2. Yelled the first word that popped into his head : "TREAT!"
3. with mere seconds to spare
India, Nepal, and Bangladesh
These countries have the most current practicing Hindus.
The ruler who promoted religious diversity in the Ottoman Empire was
Akbar. Akbar encouraged people from all backgrounds and faiths to be
part of his rule, encouraging everyone to join his army and therefore
built a strong force in the process. Although he himself was Muslim, he
married a Hindu princess.