I'd say B and D. Elementary school reports don't necessarily equate to knowledge of a subject (and research on the branches of government doesn't help you know <em>how</em> to govern), so A is out. C is nice, but popularity and charm do not a leader make, he might have ulterior motives to being as such, maybe taking advantage of the power? B and D show things he has done that would give him useful skills in the position.
Increasingly, members of the younger generation are becoming entrepreneurs rather than making themselves available to work their way up the management scale for an individual company; the difficulties this may cause for companies is offset by the services as subcontractors they can provide as outsourcing becomes more necessary and more common. (Keaveney, 2004).
Ambiguity (and ambiguous) comes from the Latin ambiguus, which was formed by combining ambi- (meaning "both") and agere ("to drive"). Ambidextrous combines the same prefix with dexter (meaning "skillful; relating to or situated on the right").
so the answer is ambi
Answer 1:He forbids Mary and Colin from interacting with dickon, creating tension amongst the characters. He is too controlling of Mary, leading her to run away from the house and it’s inhabitants.