Brief explanation of Declaration of Independence of the principles of a) popular sovereignty, the people are the ultimate source of the authority of their government b) social contract it is the legitimacy of the state over the individual c) natural rights, not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government and therefore universal or inalienable (rights that cannot be repeated or restrained by human laws) d) individual rights, the equality and this is the rule of equality that tied up to the creation of mankind to God.
These civilizations were built around the water. Therefore, water was very crucial for the beginning on these civilizations.
Indentured servants- Indentured servants made up a significant amount of the labor force when England first colonized the North American continent during the early 1600's. These servants would work 4-7 years for a farm owner who paid for their trip to North America. After the term of service was up, the servant would receive a piece of land to start their own farm on.
Nathaniel Bacon- Bacon was a farmer in Virginia who was upset with the Royal Governor, William Berkley, because Berkley refused to protect colonists during their altercations with Native Americans. Bacon felt that poorer colonists were not cared about by Berkley. This is why he organized a group and rebelled against the governor and his rules.
Mercantilism- This is an economic system in which one country uses another country/territory for natural resources. This was the economic system established by England in the North American continent. The British colonies were used for their natural resources, as a means to sell manufactured goods made in Britian, and as a reliable trade partner. All of this was meant to benefit Britain.
it says on a website "he denounced the attack and asked congress for a declaration of war on Japan"
Globalization has had numerous positive effects on some developing countries. It’s the reason for the fast growth and development of these countries as people invest in these states improving their infrastructure, technology, and total production.
Thanks to globalization, there are employment opportunities all over our huge world. However, most people have had to leave their families for many years as they work abroad. As a result, couples have divorced, remarried and left destitute children at the mercy of volunteers and shelters.