The cook prepared the food. A friend of mine tastes.
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By saying pay attention, it means we are noticing the matter.
pay is used when there is no possessive adjective
The six indirect object pronouns in spanish are:
- me for 1st person in singular
- te for 2nd person in singular
- le for 3rd person in singular
- nos for 1st person in plural
- os for 2nd person in plural
- les for 3rd person in plural
These type of pronouns are written before the verb, when the sentence has only a conjugated verb, for example:
La profesora <em>le </em>dio un libro a Juan
There is another case, in which the sentence has two verbs:
- The first in infinitive form and,
- The second verb
So, the Indirect Object Pronoun is written after the infinitive verb and the conjugated verb, for example:
The sentence without the Indirect object pronoun:
Yo <em>voy </em> <u><em>dar</em></u> la pelota a Juan
<em>voy </em>is the verb in infinitive form and <u><em>dar</em></u> is the second verb
The same sentence, now using the Indirect object pronoun:
Yo <em>voy</em> a <em><u>dar</u></em><em><u>le</u></em> la pelota
voy is the verb in infinitive form and the pronoun <em>le </em>comes after the second verb
Note that these kind of pronouns are also used to replace the Indirect object in the sentence