Start in the name of God, and begin by washing the right, and then the left hand three times. The mouth is then cleaned three times. The nose is cleaned three times. The face is washed 3 times. The arms are washed three times, right then left. The hair is washed with not lots of water only once. Then you clean your ears three times, both sides at the same time. Then wash your feet three times, right then left.
You start and say "Allahu Akbar". Then you start reciting surat al Fatiha then a short sura, like surat al Ahad. After you're done you go down. standing up but bending down to hold your knees. You say "Subhan rabi Al- Aathim, Subhan rabi al Athim, Subhan rabi al athim." Then you go up and say " Samii al allah le man hamidah, rabana wa laka al humdu wa al shukr. Then you go down in a bowing position on the ground and say, "Subhan rabi al aala. Subhan rabi al aalah, subhan rabi al aala." Then you go up, stay on the ground and say " Rabi Eghfirli, Rabi Eghfirli". Then you repeat the proccess until you're finished with the salah. On every second rakah you say the tashahud, which is "Altahiat lil Lah wa Salat wa altayibat, al salam alayka ya rasul el Lah, asalam alayna wa ala eibad al Lah al saleheen, ashadu an la illah ila Allah, wa ashadu ina Mohammed Eabduhu wa rasulah. Allahum sali ala muhammed wa ala ali muhammed, kama saliyt ala ibrahim, wa ala ali ibrahim, inaka hamid ulmajid. alahum barek ala muhammed wa ala ali muhammed, kama barakt ala ibrahim wa ala ali ibriham, fe el alamin, inaka hamid ul majid.
When you end the prayer, say Asalamu alaykum wa rahmat allah wa barakatu, to the right, then say aslammu alayka wa rahmat allah wa brakatuh to the left. then you are done. You can also say dua and tasbih after prayer.