. It creates a single image, the eseence of the fog.
Modernist poetry is impressionistic instead of lyrical, and often focuses on one single image or a vignette to convey its theme and the poem consists of short impressions.
This poem has a lot of character, uses free verse with the normal every day diction of speech but with pointed and sharp small lines to convey the essence of the fog contained in a small space.
The small lines, the impassioned tone without flowery diction is all symbolic of a modernist tinge to the poetry.
Frist you need to make a your story with all of that and i have been there but you have to make your story with a beginning then after that you will need to make you middle part of your story then you do the rising action then the falling action then the climax the the end.
Thomas Paine wrote pamphlets and tried to attract people in colonies to fight against the British.
Thomas Paine played a vital role by publishing pamphlet named Common Sense. He wrote pamphlets that helped change in colonist behaviour that led to declaring independence against the British. His pamphlet Common Sense encouraged the colonists to think of the present situations. His pamphlets became the source for the colonists to come together as patriots to fight for their cause (independence). Common Sense arrived as a pamphlet in Philadelphia in 1776. The first print sold out quickly, and over thousands of copies sold in America and Europe. Pamphlet read aloud in public, even General Washington commanded it to read among troops.