sweatshops are hard labor with little pay and little to no hygiene, these sweathsops could also have many safety hazards such as no fire exits, the sweatshop owners mistreat the workers
Sweatshops still exist they are most common in the east such as asia, china, etc.
La guerra ruso-turca de 1877-1878, también conocida como la guerra de Oriente, tuvo sus orígenes en el objetivo del Imperio ruso de conseguir acceso al mar Mediterráneo y liberar del dominio otomano a los pueblos eslavos de los Balcanes. ... La guerra despertó los intereses imperialistas de dos grandes potencias:
Really? lol he was born January 17, 1706, Boston, MA
How the Declaration of Independence changed America?
America did not secede from the British Empire to be alone in the world. ... America's independence signaled a fundamental change: once-dependent British colonies became independent states that could make war, create alliances with foreign nations, and engage freely in commerce.
We knew that Paleo Indians were in the Americas through the style commonly shared by individual groups called stone tool production. This lithic reduction tool adaptations were found throughout Americas. Paleo-Indianas as well were thought to have migrated throughout the Americas, showing variations of lifestyles across the geographic areas. There were even areas or sites noting this, for example in Alaska, northern British Columbia, and western Alberta.