The trial of Peter Zenger, a noted publisher in New York, worked to establish the rights of a free press.
Zenger's trial was still fresh in the minds of some of the founders when they worked to push for an Amendment to the Constitution a generation later that expressly gave the press rights.
The North could easily move soldiers and supplies.
Railroads made it so that the North could easily supply its armies with supplies and reinforcement troops.
Literature, art, law making, infrastructure and democracy are the ideas of Romans.
There is a lot of ideas that was taken from Roman and followed in the modern world. These ideas are the creation of law for the people of the country, democratic government, planning of cities for residents, art, literature and the designs of infrastructure was also copied from ancient Romans. In short, we can say that Roman culture has a great influence on our modern world.
Following WWI in North America and most of Europe there was a recession that led to economic decline. The recession in the United States did not last long and was followed by nearly a decade of major economic growth that made the United States the most powerful economy in the world.
It means that only the strongest survive