1. Positive Externality ; 2. Negative Externality ; 3. Positive Externality.
Externalities are benefits or harms to other parties , without payment received or made for them respectively.
Positive Externalities : Externalities positively effecting others. Eg-Education
Negative Externalities : Externalities positively effecting others . Eg-Pollution.
1. Bridal Shop's signage facelift creates benefit for other strip mall businesses also (better business visibility), without former receiving money & latter paying money.
2. Local church celebration creates benefit for all attendants (recreational benefit) ,without former receiving money & latter paying money.
3. Local School bus ramp construction creates harm for commuters of that area (traffic inconvenience) , without former paying money & latter receiving money
A debit card
A debit card allows customers to make electronic payments using the funds at their bank accounts. If the customer does not have sufficient funds in their bank accounts, the transaction won't go through.
A debit card is similar to a credit card in appearance. However, a debit card does not levy interest fees or late payment fees because it's not a credit facility.
According to CDC research, each employee who smokes costs his or her organization approximately $2000 per year due to reasons such as;
• Smoke breaks at work which accumulate to reduce the amount of time spent doing productive work.
• Health related issues resulting from smoking that may cost the organization money or cause the employee to be absent from work (research shows that smokers are absent from work more than non smokers.
Therefore, for each smoker who quits smoking, Hanson Manufacturing will gain approximately $2000 in productivity.