well for starters he may have never even made it back to his wife because it takes a heros traits to go through all that peril and still make it home. If he didn't prove himself or have the smarts, his wife would eventually have to have married off to another man that was more suitable to rule the kingdom and Odysseus would loose everything that he owned. It was because he was a good hero that he became the king in the first place and he also survived many dangerous encounters. This includes the Cyclops, Polyphemus, Circe who almost turned him into an animal but ended up helping him instead, and then also how he returned home, claimed what was his, and killed all the suitors that had tried to takes his position and wife. Also, the fact that he was some amazing war hero who proved his worth showed that he truly deserved his positions and he wasn't questioned by anybody when he took it back. His son probably would have been used as a slave or normal warrior. Maybe even killed so that there were no possible men to take over the throne with Odysseus gone.
Mangroves are trees and shrubs that thrive in tropical swamps close to the Amazon River in northern Brazil.
This is the correct answer because it discusses mangroves and shrubs from the Amazon River, which are depicted in the photo. All the other answers discuss topics relating to the Amazon River, but that are not related to the photo.
Kahi jeeb llakeee back he. a a e jjnj vfbea naj
I have found this question online and realized that "ice" should actually be "eyes", which makes more sense with the context of the sentence.
The entire absolute phrase in the sentence is "eyes glittering with concentration".
After reading it, we realize that "eyes glittering with concentration" refers to the sentence as whole. That is what makes it an absolute phrase - instead of modifying just one noun, it modifies a whole sentence. In this case, we can imagine Jack moving his cursor while his eyes glitter, showing how focused he is.
Absolute phrases' structure include a noun or a pronoun followed by a participial phrase. For example: hands trembling with nervousness. Notice that "eyes glittering with concentration" follows that structure.
Participial phrases consist of a participle and modifiers. For example: running out of energy.