So, the essay is about whether "Nothing Gold Can Stay" ?
In the third sentence we know that "nothing gold can stay" is a poem so there's no need for you to add in the fourth sentence "it is a poem becasue..." Instead try to say "The poem demostrates the elements of sound, imagery, and figurative language."
Well, the researches have said that If a person is not in a place where they feel comfortable, they won't feel comfortable to talk about themselves. If someone with a person that they feel comfortable, they are more likely to disclose information. If a person has been through a stressful/traumatic experience, they are more likely to share information to self-heal. SO your answer should be C) why? who and where?
Abused people respond well to love, but they usually don't believe it's real. They wonder why they aren't being hurt or why there is no pain in their love. If they are in a relationship with someone who abuses them, and they never got help as a child, they will continue to be abused and hurt. If they did get help as a child, they will, most likely, walk out of the relationship. On the other hand, people who had good childhoods will respond 'normally' to love, getting out of bad relationships, and staying in good ones.
I like this one heh well if you put the words together you see "Brainliest" so i want "Brainliest"!
<u><em>Well please mark then ;)</em></u>
i dont know about this one