no longer returns an error but your math seems to have something wrong with it, always returns 0
Console.WriteLine("Enter a percentage here");
int Percent = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Enter your number here");
int Number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int result = Percent / 100 * Number;
int calculate_cost(int quantity) {
double cost = 0;
if (quantity <= 20)
cost = quantity * 23.45;
else if (quantity >= 21 && quantity <= 100)
cost = quantity * 21.11;
else if (quantity > 100)
cost = quantity * 18.75;
return cost;
Create a function called calculate_cost that takes one parameter, quantity
Initialize the cost as 0
Check the quantity using if else structure. Depending on the quantity passed, calculate the cost. For example, if the quantity is 10, the cost will be $234.5
Return the cost