1 answer:
1.draw a squiggly line or two parallel squiggly lines from one side of the paper to another.
2.draw a straight(not perfectly but close enough) line below the squiggly line(s). under the line, draw a squiggly oval.
3.be sure to add detail to the rest of your drawing.
(of you want to than add some tree's. all you got to do is draw a squiggly "Y" then add squiggly 'Y's' and squiggly lines to parts if the "Y")
You need to draw the basics before you draw something big and crazy like the Mona Lisa.
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The answer is B
Jesus creates a triangle
Maybe do her initials in like a huge rainbow format or her favorite colors
I think it might be B
Explanation: Mr. Solway goes in the court and tells the judge that he loaned the meddle to chase because Solway and Chase get along good.