Their gravitational pull towards the planet?
1/4 recessive can be expected for the recessive trait of mono hybrids from the F2 generation.
Option D
Mono hybrid cross is defined as the crossing between two plants considering the two different alleles of a particular character. It was 1st performed by Father of Genetics, Sir Gregor Mendel. The mono hybrid cross done by him considered the character tallness of garden pea plants, of which one was tall and other was short.
He crossed them to get all tall plants in
Filial generation. Now as he self bred those plants, he got the tall and short plants in ratio of 3:1. Thus he proved that the recessive trait of mono hybrids is
of the total population of F2 generation.
The process of gene cloning involve multiple steps. It involves many enzymes, bacterial cell, vector to produced an amplified number of cell and hence product.
The gene of interest is find and then it is carried into the bacterial cell by the help of vector.
The vector is then carried to get incorporated into the bacterial cell. In this way the bacterial cell starts replicating and the and the desired product is produced in high amount.
Examples of biting and chewing pests are snails, slugs, caterpillar, Helicoverpa, diamond black moth, beetles , termites, leaf worms, grass hoppers etc.
Examples of piercing insects are lace bugs, aphids, white flies, glassy winged sharp shooter, false chinch bugs, Bargrada bug, mealy bug, Eugenia psyllid, Pittosporum psyllid, Tipu psyllid etc.
Pests that affect crops have different feeding habits. Some pests belong to the type biting and chewing pests. These pests bite into the plant parts and chew them. This will leave circular holes in the leaves and semicircular holes in the leaf edges.
Piercing and sucking insects pierce into the plant parts and suck the sap. Removal of sap turns the plants yellow, and wilted. The growth might get stunted and in severe cases the plant may die off.