Given sentence:
Most snakes are not poisonous and rarely attack us.
Find: identification of the parts of speech in the given
Most – adjective (since this is related to the noun Snakes that describes
Snakes – noun (since it names a person, place, thing, or idea)
Are – verb (since it is used to describe an action, state, or
occurrence, which in this case is the snake’s actions)
Poisonous – (since this is still related to the noun Snakes that
describes it)
Rarely – adjective ((since this is still related to the noun
Snakes that describes it)
Attack – verb (since it still used to describe an action, state, or
occurrence, which in this case is the snake’s actions)
Us – pronoun (refers either to the participants in the
discourse, which in this case are the people)
It tells us about his greed and his behavior of having gold more than any thing else