The correct answer is B) An American toy company cheaply manufacturing its products in China.
Outsourcing refers to when a business/company has their products developed elsewhere in the world. Usually, outsourcing is caused by financial factors. For example, many American companies have their goods made in China because the wages needed to pay workers and the overall costs are much cheaper than in the United States.
This shows why B is the correct answer.
Los fundamentalismos islámicos y judíos, en cuanto fenómenos culturales, constituyen una reacción frente a la modernidad de tipo occidental. El concepto de modernidad remite a un modelo general definido principalmente por la aplicación de los principios generales de la razón. Este modelo está relacionado con ciertas etapas de desarrollo económico, así como transformaciones políticas y culturales hacia la apertura, la racionalización y la secularización (Touraine, 1988).
It is full of minerals and drains water very well
It is full of minerals and drains water very well. It is easily tilled, or broken up, for planting seeds. Loess usually erodes very slowly—Chinese farmers have been working the loess around the Yellow River for more than a thousand years.
Loess soils are among the most fertile in the world, principally because the abundance of silt particles ensures a good supply of plant-available water, good soil aeration, extensive penetration by plant roots, and easy cultivation and seedbed production.
The loess helped china's farmers by its summer rains, huge amounts of it are washed into the huang. when the huang floods the north china plain, the silt deposits create a unique environment. this loess silt helps farmers because it is fine, rock free, and very fertile.
The Post-Classical era was the time between the 5th and 15th centuries C.E.The most prevalent mode of the Post-Classical world were EXCHANGE AND IMITATION. During this time, a world network was developed. The international trade allowed intellectual and material exchanges. These exchanges paved the way for imitation of established centers. Less organized civilizations attempted to imitate the more organized civilizations.