Answer:A haiku is shorter than a limerick and does not rhyme. A haiku has less rules and so is easier to write than a limerick A haiku is normally not funny, and a limerick is. A limerick has more of a chance to make your laugh than a haiku.
C. filled societies with strong competitor
Out of your 3 possible answers, B. ones' is the correct one and I will explain why. Answer A is a contraction of one and is. When you put "one is" into the blank space you can tell that it is not right. Answer C is incorrect because when you place an apostrophe after an s it is implied that there should be another s that follows and so you do not need to put it there. This means that answer B is correct since it doesn't have the extra s.
Meter is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry or verse that gives poetry a rhythmical and melodious sound. There are five basic types of meters, each with distinctive characteristics: Iambic meter, trochaic meter, spondaic meter, anapestic meter, and dactylic meter.
Choose a simple yet mysterious character describe a familiar yet interesting plot and mention small details that will later on lead to main events