You mind sending me the paragraph in the text they talking about ?
The irony of the poem is that Ozymandias claims to have done many great works and boasts of his might yet he lies in the middle of a desert, broken with nothing to support his claim of his deeds
The traditional dress of a UAE woman is the abaya. It is important to note that the abaya is not really a dress. Instead it can be more accurately compared to a thin, flowing cloak that covers the body. Underneath, women wear their clothes (and in fact, often choose western-inspired styles, like jeans).
I was just learning to drive a bicycle; I was in 4th grade then. I just borrowed the bike from my classmate; and so, I had limited time. When I found out that I could already balance myself, I pedaled with excitement ignoring the downhill slope. I pressed the brake but it did not stop. I was already in panic and I did not know what to do. So, I jumped off the bike and fell on some rocky dirt. Amazingly, the bike was not damaged. I had buises on my arms and legs but I did not cry. Nobody saw me and I felt so proud of myself. Since then, I became more confident; the way I look at life has changed. Through this experience, I have learned that I can take care of myself and I should be more careful. I have to be accountable for everything I do.