<span>The network topology describes the physical arrangement, installation, and connection of cables, computer, and other devices.
The network topology can be bus topology (a</span><span> network topology that uses a single cable or conductor to connect all nodes on the network.) ,</span>star topology (a network topology in which cables running from each node connect to a single point, such as a hub.), ring (a network topology that consists of a single cable that runs continuously from node to node), mesh, hybrid, hub topology,... according the arrangement of the nodes.
The Correct syntax for inserting an image as hyperlink is given in explanation section
To make an image act as a hyperlink, place the image element within the HTML anchor "<a></a>" element.
The syntax of inserting image hyperlink in XHTML is given below.
<a href = "link_that_can_be_accessible"><img src="source of image" alt="display name if image not shown in the browser" border="0"/></a>
for example lets insert image as hyperlink
<a href="ajax.html"><img src="logo.gif" alt="AJAX" border="0" /></a>
The default appearance is a blue border around the image. Specifying border="0" removes the border around the image.
if you want to insert image from another folder then the image hyperlink looks like this:
<a href="ajax.html"><img src="/images/html5/logo.gif" alt="AJAX" border="0" /></a>
If you want to insert image from another server then image hyper link looks like this:
<a href="ajax.html"><img src="https://www.myExample.com/images/html5/logo.gif" alt="AJAX" border="0" /></a>
a tablet because it's controlled by the touch of a finger.
Goin to make great profit
D)Animated abstract shapes