Letter is a means of relaying information to one's recipient. The letter could be formal or informal. A formal letter is an official letter while the informal letter is a personal letter.
<h3>How do you write a formal letter?</h3>
The following are the features or formats of a formal letter;
Writer's address: traditionally, it is written at the top right corner of your writing page.
Date: This is the date in which you are writing the letter. It is written immediately below the line that follows the writer's address.
Designation and Recipient's address: This is written at the left side of the margin below the line of date. You open the recipient address with his/her port-folio or designation with an article, such as "The Principal,". Note, the designation must have a comma at the end. Then, the address of the recipient.
Salutation: This refers to the opening greetings such as 'Sir or Ma'am,' as the case may be. Note that, there is a comma after salutation.
Title/Heading: This is a summative phrase that encapsulates the content of the letter. It can be written in capital letters or with a title case.
Body: this is the content or information you intend to pass across. The information should exist in paragraphs. The language is strictly formal and there should not be any form of contractions.
Conclusion: this is a concluding paragraph that summarises the entire message. It is the last paragraph in your letter.
Closing/Subscript/Complementary close: this is a closing greeting. Use 'Yours sincerely,'. Note that, there is no inverted comma before or after 's' in 'Yours...' Also, there is a comma after 'sincerely'.
Signature: Here, you append your signature below Subscript.
Full name: Finally, you write your full name below your signature with a full stop.
Therefore, the above is the ideal letterrequested of you to write. Hence, it is the correct answer to it.