The naval battle of Trafalgar was fought on October 21, 1805. The British fleet under Lord Nelson met a combined fleet of French and Spanish ships off the coast of Spain. The English fleet won a tremendous victory ensuring that Napolean would not be able to invade Britain. Admiral Lord Nelson died during the battle.
D. Philosophers is the correct answer.
The Niles water would be collected during the summer season because that's when the water would rise. This helped the Egyptians to grow their crops however the Nil would often flood and cause destruction to the surrounding land and crops.
Balban had several military achievements during his vizierhood, first raising the Mongol siege of Uch under Masud Shah in 1246. When the governor of Bengal, Tughral Tughan Khan, revoked the authority of Delhi in 1275, Balban first sent the governor of Awadh and then a second army, both of which met with failure.
(not sure)