Al conjunto de acontecimientos ocurridos en el pasado se lo denomina Historia.
La historia es la disciplina que se encarga del análisis y la reconstrucción de hechos ocurridos en el pasado, sus causas y consecuencias, y los efectos que estos causaron y, en muchos casos, continúan causando. Así, mas allá de un simple repaso del pasado, la historia busca desentrañar las cuestiones subjetivas de dichos eventos y su implicancia en eventos posteriores.
Es entonces una ciencia social, en tanto estudia las formas en que estos eventos afectaron y afectan a las personas, modificando sus entornos sociales y naturales e incluso sus condiciones subjetivas internas (como religión, apoyo político, etc.).
Antony says that he should not, for then they would be touched by Caesars love for them. They implore him to read it. He replies that he has been speaking too long he wrongs the honorable men who have let him address the crowd. The plebeians call the conspirators traitors and demand they Antony read the will.
It stymies competition and normally quality and service go down because of lack of competition
Carbon is buried deep below the surface as the planet's tectonic plates slide and churn against one another, exposing new rock that will absorb more carbon over time. that massive volcanic eruptions can release carbon, resulting in mass extinctions.
<h3>What effects do tectonic plates have?</h3>
Evidence of interactions and stress caused by the movement of the plates can be seen in the uplift and sinking of land, earthquakes (the sudden release of energy that causes shaking), and volcanic eruptions.
<h3>How does Columbia Plateau appear?</h3>
The Columbia Plateau is an area of flat land and gently rolling hills cut by the sometimes steep river canyons of the Columbia and its tributaries in a river basin that is mostly mountainous and has steep valleys.It measures approximately 250 miles across and is roughly triangular in shape.
Learn more about Columbia Plateau here: