Very poetic. Just a quick suggestion, it seems that noiboibsboiboibxois is mispelt. its actually noiboibsboiboibsois
it depends
no matter how you do uniforms you can still see whos higher up in the economy and whos down. here's why.The kids with more money were polo and the kids with less were gorge(walmart). so it will not stop people from bullying others because they were basically the same thing. instead it will only continue or make it worse
Because some idiots panicked and bought all the toilet paper
A big conflict in the world today is climate change. A lot of people are worried that the planet is starting to warm up, and they say that the world is gonna end in 12 years....
but on the other side of the spectrum people say that it is a normal cycle for the planet to heat up, because the planet is always heating and cooling in 10 year increments, which is why there where at least 5 ice-ages in the history of this planet.
The solution for this conflict is to do more scientific studies and be 100% sure about what we have to do before we go screwing with the planet.