I think that it is still marginally
conceivable to follow the principles of the Monroe Doctrine. Nowadays, Europe
has not been bothering the United States, except for the guidance of their very
abundant views. <span>Times have
changed, they are no longer isolated from Europe because of a supervisory
king. They need to entomb the past and become associates with any
possible supporters, because they may need them someday. This also includes
not meddling with their governments and countries unless it is completely essential. </span>
The best option from the list would be that "<span>c. They had elected bishops and archbishops", since during this time in American history the "Republican ideology" was to have relatively fair representation. </span>
<span>John Locke and the Baron de Montesquieu were two important </span>
1800 hope this helps you out
A strong industrial country like the Soviet Union and rival against the USA