He thinks that's where its most "corrupt". This book is amazing!
Frank changed his career path by learning about installing and repairing computers with classes he took over the summer.
It goes to the point that Frank changed his career with classes. "Over the summer" is not really relative to the topic, it just happens to be when he learned.
The word diction comes from the Greek "lexis"; this concept refers to the actual words used in a literary work, such as in a poem. The choice of words contributes significantly to the meaning and tone of the text. The correct option in this case is B. The speaker shows his sarcasm by using the word ridiculous to describe May.
Answer: (3) Yes, it uses supporting evidence.
Satire is used by him to show that being a carbon copy isn't the best way to live, and that there is a better way. His real target is society. He implies that everyone tries to build character, but they continue to do the same thing as everyone else.