This story “Jane Eyre” written by Charlotte Brontë, relates about how the orphan Jane’s life evolves and highlights into her marriage to Mr. Rochester, her former boss she fell in love with. She was thinking to leave with St. John to India, but at night she heard Rochester’s voice calling her through the moors.
Question: How does Jane know to leave St. John and go find Rochester?
Answer: She hears Rochester's voice from afar.
it might change the plot of the story by the character is at one place and he/she lost or forgot something so they have to go back an get it or find it.
which lines have one complete thought that best sums up the meaning of the poem
She believes that a thorough knowledge of your topic and plenty of practice is leading to success.
The first verb to believe is used in present simple tense because it refers to her habits or general truth. In this example, she expresses something in what is she certain. The second verb to lead is used in present continuous tense because this action will be also present in the future and refers to a permanent situation that will continue and does not stop in the present moment.
I believe the answer is abhor.