Temporal lobe
The brain has four lobes that are found in the cortex.
The lobes are:
The frontal lobe - logic and reasoning
The parietal lobe - movement
The temporal lobe - auditory processing area
The occipital lobe - the visual processing area
organisms that have a nucleus
eukaryotes have nucleus.
4: DNA is found in the nucleus of the cell
5: cell
6: A person has 23 pairs of chromosomes
7: Chromosomes, genes, DNA are different names for different parts of THE SAME thing
8: the genes that determine what you look like came from your PARENTS
9: the reproductive cells called SPERM AND EGGS each contain only 1/2 of the genes needed to make a person
10: All living things have the same genetic CODE
11: ATCG combine in different patterns to form different CHEMICALS
12: Each species has a different BLUEPRINT, but the same kind of DNA molecule
13: A(n) HORSE has 64 chromosomes
14: A chromosome can only be seen by using a MICROSCOPE
e. Genes and the environment affect antipredator behavior
Based on the data that was derived from the study we can conclude that Genes and the environment affect antipredator behavior. This is because regardless of the difference in the environment they were reared in both groups fled from the predator which is a genetic trait that has been passed down from generation. Yet, the group reared in low-temperature conditions fled sooner than those reared in high-temperature conditions meaning that the environment has affected the survival and antipredator behavior of the spiders.
sulfur dioxide remains in the atmosphere for a long time, therefore, rapidly heating up the Earth.