<em>Hi ,</em>
1. Why did Martinique earned the nick name "The Little Pompeii of the Caribbean?"
<em>-In 1902 the volcano "Mont Pele" errupted and covered the city with ash. </em>
A town meeting<span> is a </span>form<span> of direct democratic rule, used primarily in portions of the United States – principally in </span>New England<span> – since the 17th century, in which most or all the members of a community come together to legislate policy and budgets for local</span>government<span>.</span>
“Strasbourg est situé dans l’est de France. Cette ville a environ 300 mille habitants. A cette ville c’est un très beau église, il s’appelle cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg eat c’est un grande architecture. Parc de l’orangeri est un parc rempli de fleurs colorés avec un petit zoo put les enfants.
A Strasbourg, je veux marche au parc de l’Orangeri et mange du sorbet aux fraises”
Just add a comma next to Strasbourge you can see the commo in bold
also if you want it in English so you can also proof read it here you go
"“Strasbourg is located in the east of France. This city has about 300 thousand inhabitants. In this city it is a very beautiful church, it is called Notre-Dame de Strasbourg Cathedral and it is a great architecture. Orange Park is a park full of colorful flowers with a small zoo for children.
In Strasbourg, I want to walk to the Orangeri park and eat strawberry sorbet "
what is the date and time
2:01pm 3/26/2021
indirect: me, te , lui, nous, vous, leur
direct: me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les