As the population of world is increasing at an alarming rate, the consumption of natural resources is also increasing. Hence, these resources should be conserved to maintain ecological balance and save them for future ganeration
The inner core is mainly made up of hot metals
It's either A or C
Both are just wastage of water.
800 y por los eruditos musulmanes
(800 and by Muslim scholars)
Mesosphere lies in between 50 to 80 km above the earth surface and due to low density gases escape easily and hence it is colder.
Mesosphere has the capacity to not absorb the infrared radiation that's why the gases reflected from the earth surface escape the layer of mesopause and goes inside the thermosphere.
In the thermosphere, even the minute atoms of gases ca be absorbed by the layer which increases the air temperature and the air rises up hence making thermosphere as the hottest layer in the atmosphere.