There are three syllables in contentious: con - ten - tious.
It is an adjective.
It has a Latin origin.
The most common definition is aggressive, controversial, inclined to argue.
The stressed syllable is ten.
Manuscripts and books help us a lot in knowing about medieval India. Manuscripts contain information about the real and mythical events held. They help us to know about the script that was used in medieval period. These manuscripts are preserved in the libraries and museums of our country.
According to the given question, Senalt has finished writing a test and she got a perfect score and her friend who is yet to write the same test is stressed about the outcome.
The most ethical thing that Senalt can do is not to get involved at all because if she does tell her friend the answers, then she has destroyed the integrity of the examination by cheating.
idiom : the chips are always down.
meaning : idk the meaning
Add several paragraphs describing the rules of reality shows in the past