Son nom est XXX et il a cinquante-trois ans. CORRECT
<em>(OR) Il s'appelle XXX et il a cinquante-trois ans.</em>
Il est brun et ses yeux sont marron. ► <em>almost </em> CORRECT
<em>(or) Il est brun et il a les yeux marro</em><em>n</em><em>.</em>
<em>marron is a color coming from a name. </em><em>All color adjectives coming from names are invariable </em><em>=> marron, noisette, orange, olive, marine, prune .....</em>
<em>3 exceptions = rose, fauve, mauve => they takes an "s" in plural</em>
Faith aime les sciences et les mathématiques. ►CORRECT
bravo !! everything is correct except the "marrons" => "marron"
Vous is a pronoun used to susbtitute nouns, it translates to "you". Les is an article meaning "the" and is used for plural nouns, like "girls" which is what filles means. Finally, un cadeu is not a pronoun as it translates to "a gift".
c trung quoc co loi the co sanh ve lua mi
Denise et Amy ont un fou rire.
You take off the ‘ir’ from the end of the word and replace it with - is -it -issons -issez -issent hope that helped? :)