The answer is B, the biggest disappointment was isolation from neighbors
Manuel ate yogurt-covered pretzels.
: Manuel
Verb: ate
Completed thought: The yogurt-covered pretzels were eaten by Manuel
The subject of a sentence is the "doer" or "performer" of an action in a sentence.
The verb of a sentence is the word used to describe the action.
poopy lolololololololololol
Miata is a strong leader .While Rudy is a rule breaker.They both are running for president.
Impact Of Sports On Youth
Sports have impacted youth in many ways. Some of them being good, some of them being bad. One of the good reasons would be motivation. If a student has low grades, then you can motivate them by taking them out of the team (or threatening to) until they get their grades up. School first, then sports after.
Another impact that's not so great is team spirit. If a student loves to do sports, but isn't as good as the other team, there's a lot of negativity going on there. That might urge them to quit or give up.
Those are just some of the ways sports have impacted youth, and can impact youth.
[:] DustinBR [:]