In Chinese history, the Yellow River is not just a river; it stands for the origins of culture and civilization. It played an important role in the early development of Chinese civilization.
Chinese refer to the Yellow river as "the Mother River" and "the Cradle of Chinese Civilization". That is because the Yellow River was the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilizations in the Xia (2100–1600 BC) and Shang (1600–1046 BC) eras — the most prosperous region in early Chinese history.
In the Hebrew Bible the book of Proverbs offers the best example of practical wisdom, while Job and Ecclesiastes give expression to speculative wisdom. (just a fact i found).
The books of wisdom include Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. They contain the poetry of the Hebrew nation and they provide the reader with important stories and wisdom. The book of Job is a study in human suffering and how we should handle it
There are seven of these books, namely the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs (Song of Solomon), the Book of Wisdom and Sirach (Ecclesiasticus). Not all the Psalms are usually regarded as belonging to the Wisdom tradition.
Your answer will be c, hope this helps :)
They could have kept a close eye on those they deemed suspicious, and even while there were many Japanese Americans, the government could have American citizens report any suspicious behavior that they viewed from their Japanese American neighbors.
Answer: We wanted Texas was one reason.