Lady Macbeth is extremely ambitious and her desire to be queen is more intense and even irrational. Her ambition leads her to commit terrible acts, which lead to her rise, but it is the same ambition that leads her to fall.
Unlike her husband, she is courageous, focused and incisive, even going away from Christianity, when she asks the spirits to remove any feminine instinct to care and serve from her, as that would take away her proactivity, her intolerance and her ability to go over anyone to achieve the goals you want.
Lady Macbeth is responsible for the murder of King Duncan and for the fall of the kingdom at the hands of her husband. She is also responsible for the desperation and lack of control that Macbeth demonstrates, since it was only because of her that he came to power.
As previously said, it is Lady Macbeth's ambition that leads her to ruin, when frightened by the events and with a strong emotional weight caused by her past actions, she finds herself in an unbearable psychological agony to the point of making her take her own life and walk towards eternal punishment, establishing a great ending for a great villain.
Where are the statements. I need the statements, or it is impossible for me to answer your question.
For clarification purposes, what exactly do you need assistance with? Is it getting an opinion? Trouble understanding what the question means? Please explain and I will try to quickly reply :)
For short answer skip the ones you don't know and then go back to them at the end. Write the essays first so you don't run out of time. If you don't know the material fully just put down what you do know and then reword it a few ways to make your essay longer. Also, look for clues in the other test questions that could give you information on either responses. Hope that helped!