The translation is: Go 2020 we will never forget
This is so true LOL!!
I have been running the metro train for a month in your area, but it was difficult for me to get it done quickly.
Have tame sum karo cho? Hum munnjhavanamam chum
It could be 'dare' or 'donare'!
life can be described as a struggle to survive, although humans have adapted to make it easier to survive you cannot stop eating or you will die, so life is just a sad place full of sad people who ask these questions because no one really knows whats on the other side.
pahila important Kura haru top ma lekhne Ra aafno parichaya dine Ra youdha hunnu Huna sabai Jana Santi ma basnu parxa bhanne Ra aafno tarka prastot garne Ra timilai k thik lagxa tehi lekha