Answer: B.whose
'Who' is a subject pronoun like 'he', 'she' and 'they'. We use 'who' to ask which person did an action or which person is in a certain state. Example:
- Who is going outside?
- Who are you?
- Who is managing the market?
'Whom' is an object pronoun like 'him', 'her' and 'us'. We use ‘whom’ to ask which person received an action. Example:
- Whom are you going to ask to the party?
- Whom did they choose as team captain?
- Whom did they summon?
'Whose' is a possessive pronoun like 'his', and 'our'. We use 'whose' to find out which person something belongs to. Example:
- Whose phone does this belong to?
- Whose car is blocking the drive?
- Whose child is raising a ruckus in the street?
<h3>When </h3>
'When' is used to ask for information about what time something happens in the present/past/future and in indirect questions. Example:
- When will you know the result of the exam?
- I wonder when the new computers will arrive.
- When the new park opens, I’ll go there every day.
"Where" is used to ask for information about place and in indirect questions. We use it as a conjunction meaning ‘in the place that’ or ‘in situations that’. Examples:
- Where was the party going to take place?
- I asked him where I could buy an umbrella.
- Where you find a lotof water, you will also find beautiful insects.
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hope it helped