Experience I Had with a Reading Task.
Since my school days, I had a difficulty in pronouncing the words with its correct and proper sound. For example take the word 'coward', I always used to speak it as 'co-ward' rather than its actual pronunciation 'ka-ward.' This used to happen with a lot many words. Over the period of time, I stated reading out loud and started watching tutorials to improve my pronunciation.
This experience was significant in the sense that it thought me: when it comes to English language, there isn't just one way of pronouncing words, different person pronounce certain words in a different way as long as he/she learns the correct pronunciation. And that can only be done by reading out lound and paying attention to how our teachers pronounce words.
Guilt is aversive and—like shame, embarrassment, or pride—has been described as a self-conscious emotion, involving reflection on oneself. People may feel guilt for a variety of reasons, including acts they have committed (or think that they committed), a failure to do something they should have done, or thoughts that they think are morally wrong.
"Tzotchke" is a Yiddish word that came from Russian.
It means a knick-knack, a toy, a gadget, a trinket, a charm,
something tiny and cute and decorative. Like a set of six
little glass ducks lined up in a row marching across a shelf.
The correct answer is C, hypocrisy. This work of Mark Twain's is actually a fictionalized version of his own wartime experiences. He is trying to tell us that there is nothing glorious about war, that there is only death and suffering. It cannot be glorious when you have to kill somebody, or somebody will kill you. That's the irony and hypocrisy that Twain was trying to convey in this work.
Aunt Harriet did not kill herself or the baby, though it does seem like it at first. If you read the pages carefully, Joseph Strorm kills her actually. In the pages after Harriet leaves, David's mom says she will pray for gods forgiveness for Harriet, but J.strorm talks about the heresies of women, how they can get away with it but he says how aunt Harriet won't get away with it this time. The page after, David says how they found aunt Harriet's body in a river, his dad mentioned her in his prayers but never again. This implies murder.