In economics, capital consists of assets that can enhance one's power to perform economically useful work
In the 1700s, James Watt caused a revolution in transportation<em> by improving steam engine technology.</em>
He was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer. He made improvements on Thomas Newcomen's steam engine that was patented in 1698 and widely in use at the time of Watt's birth ( 1736).
It all started when Watt was given a model Newcomen engine to repair. He realized it was very inefficient and he began to find ways to improve its performance. He designed a separating condensing chamber for the engine to avoid huge losses of steam. He patented his improvements in 1769.
A unit of measurement of electrical and mechanical power -<em> the watt</em> - is named in his honor.
bootlegging and illegal distillation and sale of alcohol became widespread.
Though the advocates of prohibition had argued that banning sales of alcohol would reduce criminal activity, it in fact directly contributed to the rise of organized crime. After the Eighteenth Amendment went into force, bootlegging, or the illegal distillation and sale of alcoholic beverages, became widespread.
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the quote demonstrates our government and what he believed that every citizen should have