Mandalas may exemplify the non-possession buddhist tradition
There are multiple possible answers and im afarid im no expert nor in buddhism or mandalas, but as you may also know, im certain that mandalas are well made representations of various (mostly religious) things in sand.
Making a sand mandala may take many hours and effort, and once you are finished, you must erase and destroy it all. I think the mandalas well exemplify one of the four noble truths: Being able to let go.
The third noble truth: <u>"It`s possible to end suffering by giving up attachments (clinging) and expectations (grasping)"</u>
Ever since the first people traded one item for another, there has been some form of ... Countries have switched systems as their rulers and economic fortunes have changed. ... In a postindustrial society, the most valuable resource is information. ... Governments and private citizens also set up large trading companies that. and A dominant nation, for instance, will often use its clout to influence or support other ... Politics and power are not “things” that are the exclusive concern of “the state” or ... and free trade agreements people (both workers and managers) who work in ...
You save them as JPEGs.
Then you can print them out ( on a printer like HP all in one ) to the stock card. paper. Or at a place like Staples, for the money, you can print on metal or plastic or cloth or send it to a huge screen like when you saw Queen play to half a million people in concert. When you make art with photoshop you can really make the art as big as you want as long as you start the art with a large number so you can make posters and other large-sized art. Another thing you can send your art to people in emails.
You can send it through your network to a connected drive or to a client or boss.